Route: Jewellery

Artefact's name: Idol head fragment with headdress
Museum of: Budapest
Object type: Human figurine
Country: Hungary
Chronology: 2500-2200 BC
Period: Early Bronze Age 2
Idol fragment with headdress from the Early Bronze Age.

Artefact's name: Ring shaped amulet
Museum of: Athens
Object type: Amulet
Country: Greece
Chronology: 4500-3300BC
Period: Final Neolithic
Gold ring-shaped amulet of hammered sheet depicting a very schematised female figure.

Artefact's name: Stone horned amulet
Museum of: Athens
Object type: Amulet
Country: Greece
Chronology: 5300-4500BC
Period: Late Neolithic II
Stone anthropomorphic amulet

Artefact's name: Treasure from Gorodnica
Museum of: Wien
Object type: Other
Country: Ukraine
Chronology: 4000 bc
Period: Late Neolithic

Artefact's name: Spondylus from Kleinhadersdorf
Museum of: Wien
Object type: Jwellery
Country: Austria
Chronology: 5500-4900 bc
Period: Early Neolithic